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Speech Tips 2010

Room Seven

Tips for a successful speech

Decide on the purpose of your speech

Start Research early. Use books, internet, magazines, experts,friends and family.

Organise material in order of importance

Write an introduction

Use the Hamburger model to draft the rest of your speech

Try to get the time right. Your speech should be at least 3 minutes.

Calm your Nerves

Relax, you know your material and have practiced.

Breathe deeply before you speak.

Look for a friendly and familiar face


1. Read alone

2. Read in front of the mirror

3. Read to a friend

4. Speak in front of a small group

5. Give your speech

Check out how you hold yourself.
Watch these film clips of some of the most famous speeches ever given.

Watch how the speakerscommunicate with the audience

JFK's Speech


Martin Luther King. I have a dream


Nelson Mandela’sSpeech


Do not stand with your hands in your pocket

Use gesture

Do not fidget and jump around

Do not pace up and down.

Be organised

Write out cue cards

Practice your speech often

Speak clearly and in your own voice

Humour should only be used if it is appropriate

Know who your audience will be.

What do they expect?

There are no boring subjects just boring speakers.
 A good speaker can make anything sound interesting.

If people talk during your speech:

Lower your voice so chatterers stand out.

Take a long pause.

Stop your speech and ask them to share their views.


Be Natural

Speak loud enough to be heard.

Pace your speech a little slower than in normal conversation.