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Monday, September 6, 2010

Earthquake in New Zealand

We have been closely following what is happening with the Earthquake in Christchurch. We are thinking of all the students who can't go to school today and hope that you and your families are OK.
We talked about how it might feel to be in such a scary event and read and listened to some eye witness accounts. We used wordle for the first time. Here are some of our efforts.
Over the next few days we are going to be learning about Earthquake and what to do if we are ever in one. Havew you checked your survival plans??


  1. Hi Room 7. Good to see you blogging and using wordle. What a glitzy blog! Ms Donnell

  2. This is a really good time for everyone to be learning about earthquakes. I will be interested to read about what you should do during an earthquake and what should be in your emergency kit.

  3. I first heard about the earthquake on Twitter. I started watching for tweets by my friends from NZ so that I knew they were alright. Of course, Mr. Webb took a long time to tweet so I was really worried about him and his family. Don't tell him though, I don't want to make him get a big head! :)

  4. I have a class of 31 9year old bloggers. We'll be looking at your blog on Monday and they will be making some comments. :)

  5. You have a great classroom website. I like the wordle art you've done. I have a cousin in Christchurch. My family is very glad that she's okay. Please come and visit my classroom blog as well.

  6. Hi Room 7, welocome to the world og blogging. We love your wordles. We are looking forward to seeing your class happenings on your blog.

    Miss Wesley and Room 3 at Otewa School

  7. I teach a class of Year 5, 6, +7's in Adelaide. I will be very interested to read about what you find out about earthquakes. We had a very small earthquake in Adelaide in April (3.8 magnitude) - so much, much smaller in comparison to the Christchurch one.
    Good luck with your blogging

  8. Thanks for the comment. I have been watching the news about earthquakes and I heard that one school can't go back.I dont know how the parents are feeling about putting there kids into another school and paying for their uniform and the school fees.

    from Jamie Flighty

  9. Hi! Go you for using your blog! My class has one but isn't quite getting it up and going!
    My class has also been looking at earthquakes. We did a brainstorm about how we coudl help those affected. We decided to write them letters to ask them how we could help them. We have also written to the principal asking for emergency kits in each class.

    Goodluck with the blogging!

  10. I, too, have been watching the NZ news via my RSS feed, worried about my friends & their homes in Christchurch. I grew up in Napier, and remember the ads on tv reminding you to earthquake proof your home.

    There aren't any earthquakes in Thailand where I live now, and most of the students I'm teaching at the moment don't know what an earthquake feels like.

  11. Hi Room 7!

    We really like your blog design. We especially like the math games and resources that you are sharing and are looking forward to following your class activities.

    Mr. Miller and class
    Chalone Peaks Middle School

  12. Thanks for your comments. We are looking forward to checking out what happens in your school as the year progresses.
